
About Us

The South Eastern Group administrates men’s amateur golf for Golf Unions affiliated to England Golf in the South East of England. Visitors are also able to read a brief history of the South Eastern Group. You can also use this web site to contact specific Officers on the Committee.


England Golf – South Eastern Group

The English Golf Union was formed in 1924.
Unfortunately the early records are no longer available and this brief history of the South Eastern Group starts in 1960, The initial formation of the Group included Hertfordshire, Essex, Middlesex, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey and Berks,Bucks & Oxon. Whilst Norfolk, Cambridgeshire & Suffolk just competed in the SE EGU Qualifying events. Bedfordshire joined in 1947 transferring from the Midland Group. Junior Golf was handled by a separate body titled The South East Junior Sub Committee.

Meetings of the County Delegates were held at The Golfers Club in London S.W.1 from 1960 to 1973 before moving to the Eccentric Club also in London S.W.1 where they stayed until it closed down in 1984. The venue then alternated between the Great Western Hotel, Paddington, and the East India Club until 1997 when a move to the Army & Navy Club in Pall Mall was made. This venue remains popular today. Occasionally meetings were switched to Golf Clubs around the Region namely Hendon, North Hants, Sunningdale, Porters Park, Cottesmore, Walton Heath and Moor Park but a central location was always the preferred option.

Chairmen were originally elected for one year until 1998 when the term of office was increased to four years . The title was changed to President in 2012 to avoid any confusion with the position of Championship Chairman.

In 1963 the Group became known as the South Eastern Counties Golf Association at which time the South Eastern Junior Sub Committee was wound up and all Junior golf matters transferred to the new Association.

Michael Bonallack captained the British & NI Walker Cup team to victory during his year as South East Group Chairman in 1971

1973 saw Suffolk & Norfolk fully affiliated to the South Eastern Group

G.E.O. Walker (Middlesex)  who had been South East Group Chairman in 1961, 1964 & 1973 was appointed President of the EGU in 1974

The South East Group  acknowledged their rising star Nick Faldo (Hertfordshire) for winning the English Amateur Championship, British Youths Championship, The Berkshire Trophy and representing England in the Home Internationals in 1975

In 1978 saw a change of title to ” English Golf Union – South Eastern Group”

Past South East Group Chairmen Dr.N. Bradford (Hampshire) & R.H.Palmer (Sussex) were appointed EGU Presidents in 1991 & 2007 respectively.

Lengthy discussions on EGU representation changes took place throughout 1994, 1995 & 1996 prior to implementation in 1997.

In 2002, a new position of Championship Chairman was created with Ray Saunders (Kent) being elected to fulfil this role until 2006 when he went on to become the EGU’s Championship Chairman, and was replaced by Ray Smith (Sussex).

The South East Group web site was first rolled out in 2011, almost un-noticed as all the talk that year was about the EGU & EWGA Merger.  The merged group became known as EnglandGolf. Ray Smith (Sussex) was appointed EG Championship Chairman and replaced as South East Group Championship Chairman by Mike Rees (Suffolk) in 2013 

Prior to 1960 the Group only administered what is now known as the Men’s English County Championship Qualifier (on behalf of the English Golf Union)
The Junior Championship was first played for in 1960 at Sunningdale, followed in 1961 by the Junior Foursomes Competition held at Burhill

The South Eastern League for the “Daily Telegraph Salver” commenced in 1964 and the Colts League in 1974.

Up to 1985 only five events were held, then in 1986 the Boy’s English County Championship Qualifier (on behalf of the EGU) was added.
The South Eastern Group Seniors Championship for the Alan Hobson Trophy was first played in 1990.

Southern Counties Senior Foursomes Competition commenced in 1998 for the Rose-Brew Trophy.
The Senior’s English County Championship Qualifier (on behalf of the EGU) was first played for in 2005
At various timings individual winners trophies for the County Championship Qualifiers were donated and titled “The David Neech Trophy” for the Boy’s, “The John Nettell Trophy” for Senior’s and “The Peter Benka Trophy” for the Men’s event 

2009 was no doubt the highlight in terms of County achievement when all three South East County Qualifying winners went on to win their respective National titles.  Essex (Men’s), Kent (Senior’s) and Surrey (Boy’s).

Bedfordshire – formed in 1923, joined Midland Group in 1925 and moved to the South East in 1947

Berks, Bucks & Oxon – Oxfordshire joined up in 1924 to form BB & O

Cambridgeshire – formed in 1950 and moved to the Midland Group in 1970

Essex – formed in 1924
Hampshire, IOW & CI – formed in 1893
Hertfordshire – formed in 1924
Kent – formed in 1925
Middlesex – Middlesex Golf Association formed circa 1900 and became Middlesex County Golf Union in 1924
Norfolk – formed in 1906
Suffolk – formed in 1924
Surrey – formed in 1923
Sussex – formed in 1899



Committee members

policies, rules & important documents

The following General Conditions and England Golf Hard Card Standard Local Rules, Conditions of Competition, Regulations and Safety Advice) apply to all South Eastern Group events. The word “Championship(s)” as used in the General Conditions and Hard Card includes all events e.g. Tournaments, Finals and Competitions.

1. All Championships shall be played in accordance the Rules of Golf of the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and such local rules, conditions of competitions & regulations as shall be approved by the Championship Committee. 

2. To represent a county in any South Eastern Group event, a player must have his ’home club’ in the county that he is representing. For England Golf qualifying competitions, the England Golf rules on qualification will apply.

3. All competitors must be of Amateur Status as defined by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews.

4. Entry Method & Fees: All entries must be made on the appropriate official entry form and be received by the Group Secretary, England Golf – South Eastern Group on or before the stipulated closing date for entries. All such entry forms must be accompanied with the appropriate entry fee. No entry will be included into the draw unless complete in every detail.

Cheques to be made payable to “England Golf – South Eastern Group”. Facsimiles of entry forms will be accepted provided the form has been fully completed, signed personally by the entrant, and both the facsimile and the entry fee are received by the Group Secretary, England Golf – South Eastern Group, before 12 noon on the stipulated closing date.

No entry fee will be refunded unless intimation of scratching is received before the closing date for entries except for any entrant who may be balloted out and who does not subsequently compete.

All entries shall be subject to the approval of the Championship Committee which reserves the right to accept or refuse an entry without giving reason for its decision, which shall be final.

5. Handicaps: All Competitors who wish to enter any England Golf – South Eastern Group event must be in possession of an “competitive” CONGU handicap.

6. The England Golf “Hard Card” for Standard Local Rules, Conditions of Competition, Regulations and Safety Advice will apply to all South Eastern Group Championships but subject to amendment as and when deemed necessary by the Championship Committee.

7. Inclement weather: If in any Championship it becomes impossible to complete the Championship in accordance with that Championship’s Conditions because of adverse weather conditions or other circumstances, the Championship Committee may vary such conditions to the extent necessary to achieve a result within the time available.

8. Players shall walk at all times during a stipulated round unless permitted to ride by the Championship Committee. See also the England Golf’s Transportation Policy which includes provisions for people with disabilities.

9. Dress Code: Competitors are expected at all times to comply with the dress code in place at the host club. The England Golf “Hard Card” rules relating to dress code will apply.

10. Anti-Doping: Drug testing may take place at nominated Championships. As a condition of entry, competitors agree to comply with the England Golf’s Anti-Doping Policy. The full list of prohibited drugs is available from UK Sport (

11. Child ProtectionThe England Golf – South Eastern Group’s Child Protection Policy applies at all Championships. This policy includes provisions on taking photographs. Everyone attending, where any competitor may be less than 18 years old, must comply with these provisions. Failure to do so may result in the Police being called.            

12. All disputes shall be settled by the Championship Committee (3 to form a quorum), whose decision shall be final.

13. Decisions on Ties: Ties for first place in the Championships will be decided by a sudden death play-off over holes to be determined by the Championship Committee. Unless otherwise provided in the Conditions of Competition for a particular Championship, ties for first place and for prize places in all Championships shall be decided on the last round, then the 3rd round, then the 2nd round and then the 1st round in order, should the event be a 4 round event. In the case of a 54 hole competition (play off results) will be decided on the 3rd round, 2nd round and 1st round in that order, (a play off) in a 36 hole competition will be over the last round and then the 1st round.

Should that fail to produce a result, ties shall be decided on the last 9, 6, 3 or 1 holes of the last completed round. If a tie still arises it shall be decided on the last 9, 6, 3 or 1 holes of the first nine holes of the last completed round. If a tie still arises, each of the preceding rounds played shall be treated in the same way (taking each round in the reverse order to that in which they were played), until a decision is reached. In the case of a one round event, ties shall be decided on the last 9, 6, 3 or 1 holes of the round. If a tie still arises it shall be decided on the last 9, 6, 3 or 1 holes of the first nine holes of the round.                      

14. Any competitor who during the course of an event, including practice days, misbehaves by, for example, swearing, throwing clubs, or vandalising the golf course or Clubhouse, or acts in any manner which might bring the game into disrepute may be debarred from entering or taking part in any England Golf – South Eastern Group event for such period as the Championship Committee may decide.

15. Any competitor who withdraws from an event after the draw has been published, or for whatever reason fails to appear on the tee at his appointed starting time, or having qualified to continue in an event fails to do so must, without delay, furnish to the Championship Committee, an explanation in writing, to the satisfaction of the Championship Committee. If he does not do so, he may be barred from entering or taking part in any England Golf – South Eastern Group event for such period as the Championship Committee may decide.

16. Practice – all Match Play events: On competition day’s players will not be allowed to play any holes on the competition course prior to their official starting time.

17. Winners Responsibilities: A winner (an individual, or a county union), will be responsible for the Trophy from the time it is presented until it is relinquished. The winner shall also ensure the Trophy is returned to the England Golf – South Eastern Group before the next year’s Championship suitably engraved and cleaned.


The name shall be the England Golf – South Eastern Group (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Group’).


The objects of the Group shall be:

2.1 To further the interest of amateur golf in the South Eastern Counties.

2.2 To assist and co-operate with England Golf.

2.3 To encourage and assist Counties within the Group and to enhance communications by the debate of National and Group matters.

2.4 To hold qualifying events for championships and competitions on behalf of England Golf

2.5 To arrange such meetings, competitions and matches in order to achieve the above objects.  


Membership shall be restricted to the following Counties:

Bedfordshire; Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire: Essex; Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Channel Islands; Hertfordshire; Kent; Middlesex; Norfolk; Suffolk; Surrey and Sussex.


The governing body shall be the Committee and the management of the Committee shall be vested in The Committee.

4.1 The Committee may from time to time, for any purpose, appoint Sub Committees. 


The Committee shall consist of:

One representative nominated by each Member County, the Secretary and the Treasurer who may be one and the same person.
Ex-officio Members will be entitled to attend Meetings but shall have no vote (see note).
In the event of a representative not being able to attend a Meeting, it shall be the duty of the County concerned to provide an alternate.

5.1 Member Counties will notify the Group Secretary of the names, addresses including e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of representatives for the following year by the last day in September.

5.2 In the event of death or resignation of a representative the Member County concerned will nominate a replacement forthwith and notify the Secretary of the relevant details.


The Officers of the Group shall be:

The President, Championship Committee Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer.

6.1 The Officers of the Group with the exception of the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Group and shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting, when they shall retire but be eligible for re-election subject to the following:

6.2.The President and Championship Committee Chairman shall not normally serve for more than four years.

6.3 Should the Group decide, an individual may hold more than one office at any one time.

6.4 In the event of death, resignation or long illness of a President or Chairman, during their term of office, the Committee shall nominate a replacement to act until the next Annual Meeting of the Committee or until recovery in the case of illness.

6.5 Any person who is either President or Secretary of their County may not hold office, concurrently, as either President or Secretary of the South East Group. This clause to take effect from the retirement date of Jim Pocknell.


Unless otherwise stated, all decisions of the Committee shall be taken upon a simple majority of representatives of Member Counties present and in the event of equality of votes, the President shall have a second or casting vote.

The officers shall advise the Committee of any interests that they may have in matters under consideration.
The Secretary and Treasurer shall have no vote.


The Annual Meeting of the Group shall take place in January or February in each year at such time and venue as the Committee may decide.

8.1 The Secretary shall give notice of at least twenty-one days of such Meeting, together with an Agenda to all members of the   Group Committee, including ex-officio Members, and to the Secretary of each Member County.

8.2  A financial statement, signed by the Reporting Accountant, shall be submitted by the Treasurer.

8.3  Member Counties wishing to put forward any proposal or nomination for Office must give notice of same by written request to the Secretary by the last day in September preceding such Meeting.

8.4  The quorum shall be six Counties.


The Secretary shall convene a special Meeting of the Group at any time if requested so to do by not less than four Members of the Committee or three Member Counties jointly – such request shall be in written form giving details of the business they wish to discuss – and the Secretary shall show such detail on the Agenda.

9.1 The quorum shall be six Counties. In the absence of a quorum the Meeting shall be dissolved and no further action taken.


The annual subscription of Member Counties shall become due on the first day of January each year and shall be determined at the Meeting preceding the Annual Meeting. Any County that has not paid their dues by 31st  March will be regarded as being in default and all individuals and teams from that County will be excluded from all competitions run by the South Eastern Group, including those run on behalf of England Golf, for that year. Exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration prior to ratification by the South Eastern Group Committee. 


The President will preside at all Meetings. In his absence a Chairman for the Meeting will be appointed.

11.1 The President in his penultimate year in office shall nominate to the Committee a person or persons whom he considers to be a suitable candidate to serve as President of the Group.  The person so appointed shall serve as President Elect for his final year.


The Secretary shall be responsible for the general administration of the Group as directed by the Committee and without limiting the generality of the foregoing shall:

12.1 Summon all Meetings of the Committee giving such notice as required by these regulations.

12.2 Be responsible for the taking of Minutes of proceedings and recording same in suitable files.

12.3 Have power to deal with normal routine matters on his own initiative, but ensure that the Chairman or other Officer is    advised of any relevant matter.

12.4   Be responsible for the administration of such Championships of  the Group as directed by the Committee.

12.5   Be responsible for the administration of such events of the English Golf Union as directed by the Committee.

12.6   Be entitled to claim all expenses incurred on behalf of the Group at such rates as the Committee may agree.

12.7   Be responsible in the first place to the President of the Group. 


The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Group and without limiting the generality of the foregoing shall:

Ensure that all receipts are banked in the name of the Group

13.1          Ensure that all Bank Accounts are in credit

13.2          Ensure that payment is made of Insurance premiums as directed by the Committee.

13.3          Have power to pay reasonable expenses incurred by the Officers of the Group and to pay honorariums as agreed by the Committee.

13.4          Ensure that all debts are paid promptly.

13.5          Keep proper books of account which shall be independently examined by a Reporting Accountant. 


The Reporting Accountant, who normally will be a qualified Accountant, shall be appointed by the Committee. 


The Championship Committee established under Regulation 4.1 shall be responsible for the administration of such Championships and Tournaments of the England Golf South Eastern Group as decided by the Group Committee.

15.1 The Committee shall comprise the President of the Group, the Chairman of the Championship Committee and the Group Secretary.The Chairman of the Championship Committee shall:

 (a)  Be responsible in the first instance to the President of the Group.

(b)   Act as Chief Referee at Championships and Tournaments.

(c)    Liaise with the Group Secretary on the administration of such events including in particular attendance at course previews.

(d)   In consultation with the Group President appoint a person to act in his place when he is to be absent from a particular event.


The Committee may amend the regulations at any Meeting of which at least fourteen days prior notice shall have been given to each Member County Union and its representatives.

EnglandGolf – South Eastern Group and its officials are pleased to welcome you to this Championship.

 Please abide by our spectator code:

 1. Ensure your mobile phone is switched off.
 2. Do not walk close to players or caddies. (We don’t want any allegations that they have been offered advice)
 3. As well as not giving advice, do not offer information to players on:

  • Local Rules, which are often different from those of the Club
  • Rules of Golf – leave that to referees.

 4. Keep to the sides of fairways.
 5. Keep away from any ball in play.
 6. Ball spotting and searching.  By all means help, but:

  • Try to avoid trampling down long grass
  • Do not touch a ball if it might be a player’s ball.

 7. Do not carry or handle a player’s clubs or equipment.
     (The player may be penalised if you do)
 8. Keep still and quiet and do not use a camera when a ball is being played.
 9. Whenever players under 18 are competing, you may not take photographs without obtaining a permit from the Control Desk.

10. If in doubt – ask a tournament official.

 Thanks for your co-operation.  Enjoy the day!

 EG – South Eastern Group – Championship Committee


wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Year Name
31 2018 –  M.McDermott
32 2016 – 2018 B. Blower
33 2013 – 2016 A. Sigee
34 2007 – 2013 B.Thompson
35 2000 – 2007 J Gilding
36 1980 – 2000 A. Hobson
37 1971 – 1980 J. M.Hillman
38 1970 – 71 M.Williams
39 1963 – 69 I.Mitchell
40 1961 – 62 Lt.Col.Nash

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Year Name County
1 1960 G.S. Darlington Kent
2 1961 G. Walker Middlesex
3 1962 G.S.Darlington Kent
4 1963 P.Hunt Hampshire
5 1964 G.Walker Middlesex
6 1965 A.H.K.Hamilton Surrey
7 1966 I.M.Stewart Sussex
8 1967 D.Johns BBO
9 1968 J.M.Reid Hertfordshire
10 1969 J.E.Miller Bedfordshire

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Year Name County
42 2010-2013 D.Parrett Bedfordshire
43 2014-2016 A Cullen Hampshire
44 2017-2019 M Rees Suffolk
45 2020-2023 J Pocknell Kent
46 2024- M Devlin Norfolk